Europe has been a blast so far, but let's start from the beginning of it all!

Our plane ride got delayed by two hours from Atlanta to Munich. that was not all the best but still fun. I got most of my homework done, well 9 out of the 12 hours i had to do. Grrrr maybe college isn't as fun as i thought it would be. Anyway, the 11 hour flight was fun because I sat next to Kaesey Taylor. We watched Soul Surfer, wich was excellent by the way, and did yoga in the back of the plane with one of the flight attendents. Ha ha ha her name was Grace and she was the besst! Our flight touched down in Munich at 9:30 Munich time, that's 1:30 Utah time. So excited we quickly went through the passport lines then was greated by three German guys, don't worry mom, not cute, old and spoke naughty. We drove for 1 hour to Salzburg, Austria and toured for a few hours. We then drove 4 hours to Morabor where we currently reside, in a brand new hotel, like two days old, literally, but actually our celing leaked and we had to move rooms the first night, not so fun. this morning i got up at 6 am here and took my midterm which i feel pretty good about but that usually means i failed it. ha ha oh well.
After I finished my test we had practice. This was a funny practice. The balls are super strange, light, float a lot and yellow and blue. The court is really really really really sticky and there is no way you can slide. Good thing i was taught to roll!! ha ha :) after practice we went to the city and toured. i got new shoes because the white ones i brought are about to get a whole in the top. Then we scrimmaged a Solvenia team, no one really won we just played. Now we are about to go see Harry Potter and i am SUPER EXCITED!!!!!! Let's hope it's good. Well thats all for now, sorry this is a lame post but i don't really care. Hope all is going well...I love you all!!!
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